Arte Nicarag�ense

Ligia Zeled�n Mas�s Vda de Lloyd

 Ligia Zeled�n • Como envidio el reencuentro • Biograf�a • Mi vida ha sido asi • Si�nteme mi amor • 
Asunto concluido
 • Me preguntas... • el emigrante • Jesus • Apocalypse • New birth • 
The winds of change
 • My dearest ones • Brief moment
Home • Arte Nicaraguense • Mauricio Rizo • Tacho Reyes • Yoyita • Fabiola De Armas • Rembrandt Studios
 • Ligia Zeledón Masís • Chepeleón Argüello • Palalán •  Marco Gonzalez Garland • Carlos Montenegro
 • Silvia Zuniga


I saw your light and You bid me come
to hide my fears in your heart,
to take hold of your nail scarred hand,
to let You be my best friend... and I,
afraid ran far...
and said..."why should I give up my liberty,
my dreams... my hopes... and all I want to be...
to walk, most of the time alone... to hear You say:
Follow my lead, love the ones You dislike most..."
and in your wisdom You let me be...
but in my solitude... in my quiet moments,
in the coolness on the morning mist...
in the rainbow colors of the sunset...
in all the beauty that my eyes beheld...
there was the sweet encounter with You,
that divine peace, jealously guarding embracing
and surrounding me... and I fell in love...
and in surrendering... I became whole...
I found my All...


Ligia Zeled�n Mas�s Vda de Lloyd

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